Come Corrupt, Come As You Are to Junk Drawer

Come corrupt to Junk Drawer’s inclusive queer techno dance parties in Denver, featuring local art installations.

Read About Junk Drawer’s Queer Rave Art Installations in Southwest Contemporary

Read my latest article on Southwest Contemporary about the creative, dynamic, queer dance parties curated by Junk Drawer in Denver, Colorado.

Here’s an excerpt:

Junk Drawer, as founders Justin Najjar-Keith, Jeff Page, and Aleks Rodriguez often repeat, is more than a party. It’s a party as art, art as a party. It’s an act of social dynamic-shifting community service. It’s an education on the BIPOC roots of the techno music dance scene. It gives people an outlet when they, like Rodriguez, “need some faggotry [and] to twirl.” And it’s beyond gender in the profound intimacies it generates.

[. . .]

While saying my goodbyes to the Junk Drawer masterminds, Rodriguez offered a final slogan: “Come correct,” which I misheard as, “Come corrupt.” 

“Yes!” Rodriguez adapted my distortion: “Come corrupted by heteronormative society.” 

“We used to have a neon sign that said, ‘Come As You Are,’” Page observed. 

“Oh? What happened to it?”

“We left it out in the rain, and I think a cat peed on it,” Najjar-Keith informed me.

Ending the night with laughter, I reflected on the perfection of the disappearing sign, one no longer needed to advertise acceptance and inclusion where such expectations reign.

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