Category: Columns

  • My Unavailing Opinion About Siding With Palestine

    Or, An Impotent Vote Cast Against Genocide

    Since I’m too lazy to add all of the footnotes and images to this article, please find the full, pretty version of my opinion piece on my Substack.

    I am a non-expert with the same distance from this situation as many of you. I read and watch the same media that is baiting us to side with Israel and let the Israeli state broker justice. 

    I am not a Jew, Muslim, or Christian. However, I was raised in a Christian nation that has effectively segregated me from people who were not raised like me. I have many Jewish friends and know Israelis. I have zero Muslim friends and don’t know any Palestinians. I only recently learned that before the British colonized Palestine in 1917, Arab Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived there.

    My voice is authentic in the sense that it is my own. I don’t claim to speak on behalf of the oppressed. I also don’t speak from a position of power because my words cannot motivate change. We’re all opining into a void, yet it still feels important because protesting the eradication of an entire country of people is important. 

    I have a lot of opinions about the recent, but far from extraordinary, violence between Hamas and the Israeli state. I am also educating myself as I think and write. While I’m not the best or most informed resource, I want to share what I learned after trying to make sense of rampant false and dangerously biased information.

    On social media, a lot of grieving and terrified people are shutting down important conversations and debates by insisting that you are either pro-Israel or an antisemite. Let’s start here. Jewish people in the diaspora cannot and should not be conflated with Israel and Zionism. Seeing the Israeli state as the ultimate emblem of Jewishness promotes more antisemitism, which is why Jewish people in the United States are expressing fears of becoming targets for terrorism and hate crimes. I think these are legitimate concerns, but when someone insists it’s unethical to take the side of Palestine because it creates more danger for Jews, they are peddling unhelpful propaganda about Israeli innocence versus Palestinian guilt in order to justify genocide.

    Moreover, supporting the Israeli state means conflating Hamas, the Sunni Islamicist militants governing the Gaza Strip, with the Palestinian people. This ideology, in turn, bolsters Islamophobia and violence against those perceived as Muslim.

    My opposition to the Israeli state does not come from a place of antisemitism or detestation for the Israeli people. It should go without saying that you can be Jewish and against the Israeli state or that you can be a pro-Palestine, anti-Zionist Israeli. Many people identify in these ways.

    I am against the Israeli state because I disagree with the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Additionally, I disagree with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he and his government label Palestinians as “human animals” and barbaric terrorists. These statements rationalize siege, genocide, and a war incorrectly imagined between Jews and Muslim fundamentalists.

    In truth, radical political and religious standpoints motivate both of these factions. The difference is that Israel is a nuclear power that, since the 2006 rise of Hamas, has been sanctioned by most of the world to erect a fence around Gaza and control its border, including the movement and migration of its citizens and their already scarce access to shelter, electricity, food, and clean water. With the 1949 creation of the Gaza Strip, we’ve already long been convinced of Israeli innocence and Palestinian guilt. We’ve been primed to accept ethnic cleansing for decades.

    Thus, while Hamas’ attack on Israel was unprecedented, it was hardly surprising. The ambushed Israeli citizens and their children existed on the other side of a wall where Palestinians and their children either survive another day of a brutal and illegal fifty-six-year occupation, or they don’t. It’s worth noting, too, that fifty percent of Gaza’s population is children, totaling one million.

    After Hamas’ invasion, the media showed us the Israeli victims. We placed ourselves in their shoes, imagining the trauma of seeing our children shot and the fear of playing dead under a truck at a music festival. In this way, we forgot or neglected longstanding Palestinian victims of the Israeli state. We were tricked into conditional empathy, finding it harder to relate to and sympathize with the people who are not “us” or our allies.

    Hamas’ attack on Israel should signal that a group of people have been pushed to the brink of desperation and the ability to survive. Instead of offering them help, though, we are going to agree that these “beasts” are a problem and global threat. We are going to sadly bow our heads as they are exterminated. For this reason, I feel compelled to take the side of Palestine.

    It’s also important to acknowledge the role the United States plays in allowing injustice to flourish in the Gaza Strip, culminating with President Joe Biden’s support of Israel. By offering Israel military assistance, Biden will surely make a bad situation worse and implicate United States citizens in supporting mass atrocity.

    I want to acknowledge further that I live and pay taxes in an imperial union of states that is no stranger to waging war on the Arab world. I vote after listening to bipartisan political debates through which either a Democrat or a Republican will win important political seats that impact national and global politics. We perceive these two groups to be in constant conflict. Yet, whoever you vote for will build a wall at the border with Mexico, keep people imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, meekly condemn Putin, and allow the rich to get richer while the poor get poorer.

    I  live on occupied land that has never belonged to me. My country imprisons, terrorizes, and kills people of color and members of the queer community who are citizens by name but not fully recognized or protected as citizens in practice. I am also a pseudo-citizen as a woman in a culture that condones violence against women and who is not guaranteed full and safe reproductive health care, including abortion. 

    From this standpoint, I offer an impotent personal statement, sharing with other people who have no power how I deplore and do not consent to the dehumanization of Palestinians and their ethnic cleansing.

    For less politics and more art, find my publications here.

  • What’s In A Handle? A Memorial For @privately_being_a_bitch

    Or, How I’m Still A Bitch Despite Being @barely.private 

    Or, A Verbose Anti-Capitalist, Pro-Technology Feminist Manifesto in Seven Micro-Essays That Was Meant to Be Just a Few Slides on My Instagram Story

    And, A Little Bit of Why I Left Academia

    I. Teacher Vs. Performance Artist

    In my barely employed, barely private life, I’ve found myself on social media a lot. In fact, the last time I was online so frequently, I was writing my dissertation in Taos and living with my bestie @ohdamienmoreau. At that time, I changed my private Instagram handle from @babygrandmother (as a young lady flaunting the grey hair trend) to @privately_being_a_bitch.

    BITCH (noun): a reappropriation of a misogynist slur used against opinionated women. Many languages use their word for a female dog as a pejorative. No equivalent term exists for men. I use “bitch” to ironically describe myself despite increasing tone-deafness to irony. 

    My ongoing bitch era began as a quest for a voice, which I never found as a bitch-effacing academic. Indeed, being a professional professor required me to don a mask I couldn’t breathe under. Some people know how to choreograph this dance beautifully, but I never figured it out.

    For those of you who aren’t teachers, being in front of a classroom is like being on a stage without the freedom of the performance artist. Your young, college-age audience sees you as a target for their social-political frustrations (and maybe even an assault rifle). They make you the accountable adult for the complicated, fraught world they’ve inherited. At least, that’s what happened to me when I failed to perform to their standards. 

    Since, at the overpriced university level, “the customer is always right,” your students’ standards, forged in their undeveloped brains, count, and it’s on you to harmonize what they want with what the university wants. Thus, bad student evaluations evidence your bad teaching and directly affect your performance in the (already impossible) academic job market. 1  I imagine in the public school context (in which teaching elementary through high school might be more lucrative than being an adjunct professor), you’re judged by capricious parents. Plus, you’re at the whim of ever-changing U.S. legislation that determines school funding based on standardized test performances–rote training that leads college students to expect rewards for regurgitating information. When I put it this way, I sympathize with those students who thought I was bad at my job for attempting to wring out original thoughts from them (@being_an_olde_crotchety_bitch). 

    In part, I couldn’t hack the teaching life because it was an anit-bitch life. You had to grit your teeth and smile as your students got trigger-happy with trigger warnings. Additionally, I had to fight for visibility as an authority figure because of my age, sex, and skin color (as a white lady teaching Black literature concurrent with the Rachel Dolezal scandal). 

    For these reasons, I took away an unwavering respect for teachers at all levels of education. Except those of you whose white male bodies make you unquestionable as you spout elegiac praise for Abraham Lincoln. Students seem to always love you for performing your authentic self. It’s too easy for you. 

    Being a bitch was, therefore, the first step I took leaving academia and claiming any identity I wanted without worrying about being too privileged or not privileged enough, too opinionated or meek, or utterly unhireable.2 In full disclosure, I also wanted to explore a slut era that I couldn’t reconcile with my professorial side. In Taos, Damien Moreau, of short-lived erotic video performance acclaim, pulled me into his world, and I was maybe a little too eager to undress for his camera. Once those tasteful images consensually found their way onto the Internet, I knew I transgressed from art critic to art itself, or, to an author of a very different genre.

    II. Roe Vs. Wade

    Currently, with widespread feminist backlash spotlighted by the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, women don’t have to do anything to be seen as bitches. This backlash also constantly exhibits itself in pop culture. For instance, it’s apparent as men and women alike (and probably non-binary people too since we’re all misogynists just like we’re all racists) defended Johnny Depp over Amber Heard (lying bitch) and, more recently, Jonah Hill (who has never even played a distractingly loveable character) over Sarah Brady (insensitive, surfer bitch).

    Amidst slumps of feminist fervor, being a bitch might ostracize you. Yet, I’ve never felt more connected to like-minded people than I have as @privately_being_a_bitch. And I connect with people over the very topics of having to pick up my jaw off the floor after reading the comments regarding Depp vs. Heard and Hill vs. Brady.

    In other words, I know I’m preaching to the feminist choir about all of these things, but it’s nice to know that the choir is composed of REAL people and not a fantasy I perpetuate to cope with an inhospitable world.

    III. The Bitch I Am Vs. The Bitch You Deserve

    Single while launching @privately_being_a_bitch, I discovered that I was really good at trolling men who displayed despicable deportment on dating apps. Revealing the absurdities of patriarchy felt like my calling and a small public service.

    Moreover, I was never a mean bitch to these men. Sarcastic? Sure. Over-zealous? Sometimes. Absurd? Absolutely. Insulting? Uh-uh. 

    If, for instance, you told me you needed to know how much I weigh before a first date, you deserved a sincere, public lambasting over your sexist, superficial, controlling entitlement to women’s bodies:

    But most of the time, I just went off the deep end with these guys to see how long they’d pursue me:

    To my delight, my social network understood and enjoyed my performances. They assured me that I wasn’t alone in my anger and frustration and that my perceptions were not synaptic misfirings. And, honestly, this feedback is life-saving. 

    IV. Gaslighting vs. Gaslighting

    Sometimes we inherently know certain things to be right or wrong, true or false, but the world gaslights us into believing that we’re the problem because we’re too lazy (not hustling enough for capitalism), crazy (too opposed to mainstream narratives about identity and relationships), or bitchy (too militantly adverse to patriarchy). On the other hand, sometimes we shout, “Gaslighting!” when we’re trying to evade accountability for our own shortcomings. 

    In fact, “gaslighting” is a revived and trending idea because of social media and our collective turn toward popular, woo-woo-inflected therapy that lets us off the hook for accountability like the confession booth lets Catholics off the hook for sin (former Catholic school girl here). For instance, if we’re all victims of a growing population of narcissists, why are we bombarded with guides for identifying sociopaths instead of information on recognizing our own lack of empathy and abusive tendencies? 

    In other words, I understand that social media scrambles our social-moral compass and self-awareness. It tricks us into thinking solipsism is self-care. Moreover, it does these things as it also offers the supportive, objective perspective we might otherwise seek from a trained and licensed therapist. It’s a confusing world to orient one’s self in, for sure.

    Yet, it’s not impossible to find true healing and friendship on social media. With good discernment, you might find it, but no guarantees.     

    One thing is for certain: an encouraging yet un-sycophantic community won’t try to influence you with viral buzz phrases and over-identifying with your astrological chart or personality type. This isn’t to say you should snobbily upturn your nose at your cultural zeitgeist. I’m unapologetically guilty of complaining about being a misunderstood introverted Leo. But, even as I self-identify in those terms, I know I’m contributing to my own misidentification, which doesn’t perfectly fit these templates. 

    These terms might boost my inclusion in a larger cultural discussion and make me feel seen and accepted (or, unjustly persecuted as others label me the most obnoxious sign in the zodiac), but, ultimately, isn’t it better if I take full responsibility for my bourgeois tastes without dismissing it as Leo sumptuosity? Don’t I want your friendship because we’re inexplicably compatible and not because your air sign fans the flames of my fire sign?

    V. The Man vs. Individual Men

    I imagine people who believe in a flat Earth or that Satanic child molesters worked to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency feel the same way that I do regarding finding “my people” online. Thankfully I’ve found an affinity with people who don’t lie and spread misinformation. Yet, if I was desperately lonely, disempowered, and unloved, who knows what belief systems I’d subscribe to just to feel seen and autonomous? 

    Being a discerning bitch means questioning conventional normality as it threatens your life and the lives of those around you. Case in point, I live in Wyoming, the bonafide reddest state in the country, littered with Pro-Trump paraphernalia. Such sloganeering is always plastered on the side of the most dilapidated living situations. To me, this shows that a pussy-grabbing billionaire with a vague platform of nostalgia for America’s white supremacist past powerfully appeals to people who see no other options for fighting the class inequality and poverty that directly oppresses them. Live free and die disempowered.3 I know that this phrase is a distortion of New Hampshire’s state motto, but it’s a very Make-America-Great-Again concept. Ironically, Wyoming is the Equality State–I explain the irony here.  

    Of course, ideologies that support the Man will never give us power and freedom. It’s essential to basic survival and, maybe more importantly, thriving that we find a community that uplifts us in our psychic struggles against the Man; a community that knows saying things like “the Man,” or the white cis het Elon Musk Man, is not a hate crime. It can’t be–no one but the Man has the authority to produce and proliferate hateful ideology.

    I’m using Musk as an example to poke fun at him for his recent flagging of the term “cis” as hate speech on Twitter. Twitter (under Musk’s tycoon stranglehold) and Meta (under the other sallow guy who wants to cage-fight Musk) don’t get why it’s OK to label the Man as the Man. This is why a lot of my posts on Instagram are flagged for “harmful language” as I sarcastically whine that “men suck.”  

    But they DO suck, and it is crucial to publicly underline how this impotent utterance (I’ll repeat myself and let you read this again slowly) has zero ability to overturn and restructure social hierarchies. The only hate speech that does things in the world is the hate speech volleyed at the already prone. And, since women have centuries of disenfranchisement behind them, our hate speech–like our offensive nipples–counts least of all.  

    VI. The Media vs. Social Media

    Despite the monopolizing men running the show, though, social media makes me more hopeful about the extensive possibilities for encountering and sustaining healing intimacies. For this reason, I can’t fully relate to headlines proclaiming how horrible social media is for our mental health and self esteems. I also can’t fully trust when the mainstream media discusses the effects of social media on depressed, suicidal, anorexic-bulimic teen girls as if they aren’t part of a longer, outstanding history of dispersing body-dysmorphia-inspiring “news.” 

    Extant, pre-Internet media has always affected girls who are just learning to cope with a culture that regularly devalues them and incites violence against them. Do you remember when America’s Next Top Model convinced us that anything above a size six was not a normal body (and what even are women’s clothing sizes based on)?  Remember when “heroin chic” was a thing? Thankfully 1990s nostalgia hasn’t resurrected that trend–yet. But, even when it does, one major pro of growing up with the Internet over oligarchically controlled cable television and print publications is that trends come and go as fast as Tik Tok videos are uploaded. Moreover, you’re at liberty to subscribe to body-positive accounts as much as you’re at risk for wallowing in the bogs of unattainable-body fitness accounts.      

     Perhaps because I’m no longer a highly vulnerable, impressionable teenage girl trying to fit into a cruel social milieu, I’m a bit disconnected from this dark side of the virtual world that claims to make it even harder on girls and women than previously. Or, perhaps I’ve effectively blinded myself by curating my own egregiously politically and socially biased online social bubble. And if I have, who cares? I see nothing wrong with cultivating the good company I prefer to keep.4Unfortunately, we’ve always been made to feel less for being female. This is why, to pursue yet another tangent that deserves its own 2,000-word essay, I hate seeing women jump on non-binary identity as a way to circumvent the social degradation that comes with being legibly a “woman.” As an anti-heteronormativity bitch, I consider myself queer and female. I use she/her pronouns to resignify she/her through my weird-ass, everyday performances of unconventional femininity. 

    VII. Life vs. Death

    My one, fleeting taste of bullying in cyberspace occurred after the deaths of Damien Moreau and Alex Small. At this time, I briefly made @privately_being_a_bitch a public account to share my unguarded, complicated feelings about their suicide pact. In doing so, I offended people. I’m not apologizing for my public displays of ongoing grief, for which I was called an attention-seeking narcissist. One anonymous person also created a fake IG account pretending to be me in an attempt to shame me for being so selfishly impertinent about the dead.

    While my account is private again (as a direct result of this incident), I’ve taken up commenting on popular meme account posts and making myself visible to abusive people once more.

    Honestly, I don’t know why I need to engage in public discourses about jokes. Why can’t I see a meme about how Wife cat is “on her period” while Husband cat suffers her irrational aggression by getting clawed in the face WITHOUT needing to comment: “What an unhumorous display of gender-and-sexuality-bias projection.” 

    That’s not my best work. My displays of critical outrage are not always so equally unhumorous. But, come on, relating to spade creatures in holy matrimony is surely the height of heteronormative dystopia.

    To be more concrete, I recently had a very small, unnoticed “spat” with some strangers about a meme. I’ll share the story through screenshots:

    This exchange prompted me to change my handle from @privately_being_a_bitch to @barely.private. It’s not an act of resignation or cowardice. I just want others to assume my primary tone is humor before they assume I’m an overly disgruntled troll bitch.

    And maybe I AM an ODTB to some extent, and maybe that is a fantastic Instagram handle, but I get to point that out, not YOU. 

    I’m done begging the question by titling myself a bitch. We’ll just have to see how much of a bitch I can be without calling myself one. 

    • 1
        I imagine in the public school context (in which teaching elementary through high school might be more lucrative than being an adjunct professor), you’re judged by capricious parents. Plus, you’re at the whim of ever-changing U.S. legislation that determines school funding based on standardized test performances–rote training that leads college students to expect rewards for regurgitating information. When I put it this way, I sympathize with those students who thought I was bad at my job for attempting to wring out original thoughts from them (@being_an_olde_crotchety_bitch). 
    • 2
       In full disclosure, I also wanted to explore a slut era that I couldn’t reconcile with my professorial side. In Taos, Damien Moreau, of short-lived erotic video performance acclaim, pulled me into his world, and I was maybe a little too eager to undress for his camera. Once those tasteful images consensually found their way onto the Internet, I knew I transgressed from art critic to art itself, or, to an author of a very different genre.
    • 3
       I know that this phrase is a distortion of New Hampshire’s state motto, but it’s a very Make-America-Great-Again concept. Ironically, Wyoming is the Equality State–I explain the irony here. 
    • 4
      Unfortunately, we’ve always been made to feel less for being female. This is why, to pursue yet another tangent that deserves its own 2,000-word essay, I hate seeing women jump on non-binary identity as a way to circumvent the social degradation that comes with being legibly a “woman.” As an anti-heteronormativity bitch, I consider myself queer and female. I use she/her pronouns to resignify she/her through my weird-ass, everyday performances of unconventional femininity.
  • A Brief History of (White) Women’s Rights in Wyoming

    The Equality State: the first state to grant women’s voting rights, and the first state to make abortion medication illegal.

    A picture of me hiking around Sinks Canyon near Lander, Wyoming in May 2023.

    Growing up in Cheyenne, I had a cynical view of Wyoming’s nickname, “The Equality State.” My self-righteous teenage eyes rolled in my head at the sight of Susan B. Anthony’s statue in front of the Cheyenne Capitol building. “She’s not even from Wyoming,” I would tell people who already knew that fact. “And Wyoming only gave women the right to vote to increase its population enough to become a state,” I’d add for those who didn’t ask.

    To my false-information-spreading credit, no one ever corrected me. First, the statue represents Esther Morris, the first woman to hold an office as Wyoming’s Justice of the Peace in 1870 (fifty years before the 19th Amendment gave all women nationwide the right to vote in 1920). Second, historians remain uncertain about why Wyoming successfully legislated women’s suffrage since no official document details the event except newspaper clippings announcing the bill’s triumph. 

    Let’s briefly consider the historical context: In 1869, the 15th Amendment granted universal suffrage to men, including formerly enslaved, Black men. That same year, with the transcontinental railroad’s completion, Wyoming became a coherent territory from pieces of Dakota, Idaho, and Utah. Republican President Ulysses S. Grant instated a Republican governor, and William Bright, a Democrat (conservative like the majority of Democrats and Wyoming residents in the late 19th century), was elected Territory Council President.1“Woman Suffrage,” National Geographic, accessed May 28, 2023, 

    Considering these circumstances, various reasons account for early woman suffrage in Wyoming. Regarding the conservative leanings of the Wyoming territory, one possible factor includes the desire to embarrass the Republican governor and boost the Democrats. Bright’s racism constitutes another potential reason. Originally from Virginia and opposed to the 15th Amendment, Bright introduced the woman suffrage bill claiming that if Black men vote, so should his wife (significantly,  Mrs. Bright strongly supported woman suffrage). 2Tom Rea, “Right Choice, Wrong Reasons: Wyoming Women Win the Right to Vote,” WyoHistory.Org, accessed May 28, 2023,

    Noting the ubiquitous racism in the Sweetwater Mining District (where both Esther Morris and the Brights resided), historian Michael Massie observes that “the town’s newspapers often printed derogatory and racist articles concerning Chinese and Blacks,” evidencing the general xenophobic atmosphere Bright contributed to.3 Michael Massie, “The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming,” Internet Archive, accessed May 28, 2023,  Indeed, this mining area in the state’s center (in today’s Fremont County) played a significant role in the history of Wyoming woman suffrage. As the region’s population declined with the end of the gold rush, residents wanted to attract more people, particularly women (who constituted 24% of its population). Increasing the territory’s population–or making the region a more desirable place for the “right” (white) people to live–additionally compelled the case for women’s voting rights.  4Massie, “The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming”; Massie expands on the complicated feelings surrounding woman suffrage in the South Pass: “Ironically, South Pass City opposed woman suffrage as much as, or more than, any other Wyoming settlement at the same time that Bright ‘s sponsorship of the woman suffrage bill and Morris’ tenure as justice were focusing national attention on the town. The general opposition to woman suffrage included both sexes, for most of the women refused to become involved in politics— voting or otherwise. As a result of this attitude, Esther Morris, a Republican, was the only woman to attend South Pass City’s Democratic meeting in September, 1870, and only eight women, 11 percent of the eligible female electorate, voted in the ensuing elections.” Moreover, as Massie goes on to discuss, these feelings were quickly reversed: “By late 1871, most of the remaining citizens in the Sweetwater mining district had gradually accepted woman suffrage, particularly after witnessing Esther Morris’ success as a justice of the peace. Thus, the area’s antagonism toward woman suffrage was declining while opposition in the territory was increasing.” And judging by the lack of ethnic diversity in the state today, Wyoming, the equality state, carries on this legacy.  5According to Tennessee Jane Watson in an interview for Wyoming Public Radio with The Wyoming Community Foundation, while enrollment of non-white students in the public school system is on the rise, and non-white people make up 15% of the Wyoming population (which is already the least populated state in the U.S.), it is still a majority White state. (“Does Race Matter in Wyoming?” published on November 6, 2020, Additionally, if you want to find the equivalent form of xenophobic pulse-taking like Massie’s study of 19th-century periodicals in the Sweetwater Mining Distritct, check out the Reddit threads regarding Wyoming. In this one, “In Riverton, Arrest Data Shows Large Racial Disparities Persist,” accesed on May 30, 2023, Wyomingites show their true colors:  

    A display case in a historic saloon in Atlantic City, one of the gold rush era mining towns near South Pass City where Bright opened his saloon.

     While we don’t know if any or all of these elements were actually discussed and debated as the bill became a law, we do know that Wyoming fought to keep women’s right to vote even at the risk of being denied statehood. In 1889, when Wyoming applied for statehood, the U.S. Congress challenged Wyoming’s recognition of woman suffrage. Wyoming didn’t back down, and when it became a state in 1890, Governor Francis E. Warren stated:  “Our best people and in fact all classes are almost universally in favor of women suffrage. A few women and a few men still entertain prejudice against it, but I know of no argument having been offered to show its ill effects in Wyoming.” 6“Woman Suffrage.”

    Taken in the winter of 2023 in Hudson, WY in Fremont County.

    Thus, starting with woman suffrage, nuance, ambivalence, and irony abound in the history of women’s rights in Wyoming. As Massie points out, it’s undoubtedly incredibly ironic that Bright presented the bill for woman suffrage as an anti-Black saloon owner who might otherwise distance himself from the Temperance Movement and the abolitionist stance of the Suffragists. Despite the inexplicable success of the bill, though, Massie defensively boasts about Wyoming’s path to equality: “As some of the events associated with woman suffrage in Wyoming from 1869-71 prove, several unrelated ideas, both ideal and utilitarian, may suddenly create the opportunity for the birth of reform. The fact that Wyoming passed woman suffrage, refused to repeal it, and later insisted that it would never become a state without the reform should make its citizens proud that the reform was first ‘found’ in Wyoming.”7 Massie, “The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming.”

    Yet, I don’t feel very proud. Maybe it’s because “several unrelated ideas, both ideal and utilitarian, may suddenly create the opportunity for the birth of reform” is a dispiriting way to achieve radical and necessary social reconstruction. To rephrase Massie, it doesn’t matter how reform is achieved as long as it is indeed achieved. So let’s celebrate the suspect self-interests of men who brought their conservative, anti-Black politics from the southern U.S. before inadvertently making one right thing happen in Wyoming!    

    Maybe, too, I can’t feel prideful because of the complicated ways racism and misogyny are imbricated in our national fabric. As the annals of the passing of the 15th and 19th amendments illuminate, this nation has repeatedly pitted white women against ethnic minorities, letting us fight each other for social-political visibility and viability and thereby precluding any enduring alliance for extensive and inclusive social justice. 8While Wyoming indeed ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1973, guaranteeing equal rights for all U.S. citizens regardless of sex, the ERA never received enough votes in Congress to make it a nationally recognized and guaranteed amendment. I only point this out because the thirteenth amendment, which passed in 1865, abolished slavery and gave all men equal rights regardless of race. This defense of the rights of men regardless of race or country of origin and the subsequent snubbing of women as fully recognized citizens exemplifies the perpetually fraught social justice enterprise of  simultaneously opposing racism and sexism. Moreover, the lack of constitutional language that guarantees the rights of all citizens regardless of sex (and this very much includes the reversal of Roe vs. Wade) has rendered queer and non-binary folks particularly vulnerable. Currently, we are witnessing a tumult of anti-Drag Queen and anti-trans legislation (that most disturbingly takes the form of denying children access to gender-affirming health care), which something like the ERA would have helped us better oppose.      

    Maybe, because this country’s history of law and politics has always been marked by ambivalence, irony, and other arbitrary factors, I only feel slight embarrassment. Why is it that when something “good” and “just” somehow gets legislated, we effuse regional and national pride about our unaccountable success instead of critiquing the blind spots of our praxis of democracy?

    Taken in Spring 2023 in Dubois, WY near the Wind River Reservation.

    Last year, before I moved back to Wyoming, I felt a fleeting flurry of pride for my Wyomingite mother, currently a registered Independent, who momentarily registered Republican to vote for Liz Cheney (daughter of the incarnate of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sauron, aka former Vice President, Dick Cheney) in her campaign against fellow Republican Harriet Hageman for the one Wyoming seat in the House of Representatives. 9I don’t think it’s a controversial point to argue that Dick Cheney is a power-hungry monster who used his advanced political position to expand executive power and amass his own personal wealth as much as possible. As Conor Friedersdorf reminds us in his article for The Atlantic, “Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney, ”he had an approval rating of 13% by the time he left his office as the Vice President. And for many good reasons: During the Iraq war, he and Donald Rumsfeld created their own “alternative intelligence agency” in order to hype up the need for war by spreading false information and thereby cementing his own power and authority while getting rich through his private business association with Halliburton. Friedersdorf expands on how Cheney achieved slimeball status: “After Cheney enriched himself by exploiting contacts with various corrupt Arab autocrats that he made while drawing a public salary, he returned to public life as vice president. Halliburton donated to his campaign, and got numerous lucrative contracts during the Bush administration’s tenure, even as it was discovered to have overcharged the U.S. for prior services rendered.” Most notably, in terms of faulty information, Cheney and Rumsfeld claimed there was evidence of “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq when they knew they were non-existent. They also falsely linked Saddam Hussein with the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Cheney also has admitted to being instrumental in instituting waterboarding, a form of torture, as a legit interrogation tactic during the Bush Administration. And, he ensured that innocent prisoners stayed indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay by giving the U.S. power to detain these people without allowing them a fair trial. Friedersdorf also reminds us that Cheney initiated “an NSA operation to monitor the phone calls and emails of U.S. citizens without a warrant, part of which later became known as the Terrorist Surveillance Program.” For a full account, see Friedersdorf’s article, published on August 30, 2011: This turn of events particularly highlights the torturous ambivalence of Wyoming politics and the women who spearhead them. 

    When Cheney lost favor with her own party after leading the legal hearings on the 2021 January Sixth Insurrection on the U.S. government (carried out by the Proud Boys, President Trump’s ride-or-dies who stormed the Capitol under his blessing), she gained favor among moderates and liberals opposed to Trump. In comparison to Hageman, a Trump-endorsed pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-immigration neoconservative, Cheney, a Trump-reviled pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-immigration neoconservative, looked appealing to registered voters who would never otherwise promote her political platforms. 

    Seen on paper and taken out of context, Cheney and Hageman might as well be the same woman, and my mom’s brief political deflection doesn’t make sense. Yet, how Cheney went against her party to criticize Trump and his indefensible claims of voter fraud during the  2020 presidential election made my family actually root for Cheney. In other words, in a stubbornly Red state like Wyoming (which, I might add, is the least populated and, so, least politically important state from a national perspective), you applaud yourself for political radicalism by splitting hairs and voting for the lesser of two evils. 

    Cheney lost this election, and Hageman went on to defeat the Democrat candidate, Lynette Grey Bull, an American Indian activist who “has been a longtime advocate for missing and slain Indigenous women and girls.” Grey Bull would have been the right choice for an equality state with a long history of supporting women’s rights. But, in 2020, Grey Bull lost to Cheney by a 44-point margin in the Wyoming House race and was expected to lose again whether she faced Cheney or Hageman (and she lost to Hageman by a 37-point margin).10Mead Gruver, “Hageman Faces Grey Bull for US House After Beating Cheney,” AP News, published on November 8, 2022, 

    As found in a residential area in Lander, WY in May 2023.

    Recently, with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, Wyoming again graced national news headlines by becoming the first state to try to ban abortion pills. Another first for women in Wyoming history! This past March, Republican Governor Mark Gordon signed a bill into law prohibiting all forms and dissemination of  “any drug for the purpose of procuring or performing an abortion.” 11Eric Lutz, “Wyoming Becomes First State to Ban Abortion Pills,” Vanity Fair, published March 18, 2023,; We should note that Wyoming has stayed conservative throughout its political history even as the reputation for conservatism switched from Democrats to Republicans after the 19th century. Such a ruling was an additional twist of the knife by th anti-abortion legislation sweeping the country since those supporting women’s medical rights counted on the availability of these prescription drugs to help women in crisis facing limited or banned abortion resources. 

    Then, a judge in Teton County temporarily blocked Gordon’s law, ruling that a 2012 amendment to the state’s constitution (intended to stop President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act) made it a citizen’s right to make their own healthcare decisions. 12Annika Kim Constantino, “Wyoming Abortion Ban Blocked Due to Obamacare-Era Amendment,”, published March 24, 2023,,prison%20and%20a%20%2420%2C000%20fine. In other words, Wyoming’s political conservatism, arguably in part motivated by racist opposition to a Black man’s political authority, once again forced Wyoming’s hand in upholding women’s rights. Sometimes history refracts itself.

    As I write this essay in May 2023, Judge Melissa Owen’s blocking of Wyoming’s ban on abortion pills holds even as the debate about whether or not abortion constitutes “health care” continues. I also find myself in Fremont County (in Lander, Wyoming), which still flaunts itself as the birthplace of women’s suffrage. 

    If you visit Lander, you’ll find Wyoming Catholic College, which is undeniably related to the “Real Men Choose Life” signs posted in residents’ yards and the “Pro-Life” stickers plastered on young women’s laptops in the coffee shops. The sloganeering of masculinity in conjunction with anti-abortion politics always gives me pause. Did anyone ever question the paternalistic, Christian upholding of fruitful, Adam-and-Eve-not-Adam-and-Steve nuclear family life? At least in Lander, sex sells sex inequality. 

    Red Canyon along the Popo Agie River near Lander, WY.

    Reflecting on my own coming-of-age in Cheyenne in the 1990s, I realized that abortion was always banned in Wyoming, just not officially.  In fact, while I know women from Wyoming who have had abortions, I don’t know anyone who had her abortion performed in Wyoming. I also realized that when I drove across state lines from Wyoming into Colorado (on my way toward the liberal oasis of Denver for music, art, and culture), those Pro-Life billboards showing an ultrasound photo of a fetus with a heartbeat line were strategically placed. They were meant to be seen as I retreated from Wyoming, on the highway to hell, to the land of Godless abortion access.

    Looking into the history of abortion clinics in Wyoming, the first article to appear in my search engine results was an Associated Press article about how, nearly one year ago, an anti-abortion, 22-year-old female college student burned down a new, soon-to-open abortion clinic in Casper. The clinic eventually opened despite the latest tenuous and restrictive abortion bans in the state (none of which existed when it originally intended to welcome patients). Before opening this clinic in Casper, only medication abortions were provided in a women’s health center in Jackson (in the far northwest corner of the state, below Yellowstone National Park, where the population has been slowly declining because no one but Dick Cheney and other millionaires can afford to live there). Moreover, as Mead Gruver for the AP reports, “[s]urgical abortions haven’t been available in a dedicated Wyoming clinic in at least a decade.” 13Mead Gruver, “Wyoming Abortion Clinic Opens Despite Arson, Legal Obstacles,” AP News, publised April 20, 2023,

    I acknowledge the changed tone in this essay since I began it by academically laying out the history of Wyoming woman suffrage. I’m not trying to pivot into an argument for my  Pro-Choice politics and further ponder the internalized misogyny that has young women at the forefront of anti-abortion activism.  I know this debate is a true screaming match in which the only side we hear is our own. Yet, politics get more personal as we move into our contemporaneity.

     In truth, I’ve screamed in futile rage at the Pro-Life billboards I continue to see peppering the desolate flat prairie you contend with when you drive through Wyoming. The billboards don’t show fetuses and heartbeats anymore; they exhibit babies and young children with pleading eyes. One depicts a little girl in a pink leotard and tutu with a thought bubble reading: “When I grow up, I want to be a ballerina!” 

    “AND WHO WILL PAY FOR YOUR EXPENSIVE BALLET LESSONS?” I have shrieked at her, an innocent poster child for a fight she is unaware of. “WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR YOUR BIRTH,” I add, myself a married, childless adult without health care who could not afford a birth even if I decided to carry an unplanned pregnancy to term before putting the baby up for adoption. And this is a horrible reason–being poor!–to have to give up a child you sacrifice nine months of physical comfort for before getting a perineal tear and praying to God that you aren’t another victim of the inexplicably high maternal mortality rates in this obscenely wealthy, “developed” nation. 

    In Sinks Canyon, near Lander, WY.

    If we cherish life, why aren’t we working on making this world liveable for all people with heartbeats? Why not just open up a free dance studio for the economically depressed?

    But look at me, getting sucked into “preaching to the choir,” rekindling the holier-than-thou tone of my radical youth. What was I talking about again? Oh, yes. Wyoming: the equality state. Or, riffing on its other nickname, the cowboy state where cowboys granted women suffrage so women could vote against their emancipation. Big Wyoming, where, for at least a limited time, you can get a medication abortion while two women’s health clinics are left standing to cover a state the size of the United Kingdom.  

    In Sinks Canyon, near Lander, WY.
    • 1
      “Woman Suffrage,” National Geographic, accessed May 28, 2023, 
    • 2
      Tom Rea, “Right Choice, Wrong Reasons: Wyoming Women Win the Right to Vote,” WyoHistory.Org, accessed May 28, 2023,
    • 3
       Michael Massie, “The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming,” Internet Archive, accessed May 28, 2023,
    • 4
      Massie, “The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming”; Massie expands on the complicated feelings surrounding woman suffrage in the South Pass: “Ironically, South Pass City opposed woman suffrage as much as, or more than, any other Wyoming settlement at the same time that Bright ‘s sponsorship of the woman suffrage bill and Morris’ tenure as justice were focusing national attention on the town. The general opposition to woman suffrage included both sexes, for most of the women refused to become involved in politics— voting or otherwise. As a result of this attitude, Esther Morris, a Republican, was the only woman to attend South Pass City’s Democratic meeting in September, 1870, and only eight women, 11 percent of the eligible female electorate, voted in the ensuing elections.” Moreover, as Massie goes on to discuss, these feelings were quickly reversed: “By late 1871, most of the remaining citizens in the Sweetwater mining district had gradually accepted woman suffrage, particularly after witnessing Esther Morris’ success as a justice of the peace. Thus, the area’s antagonism toward woman suffrage was declining while opposition in the territory was increasing.”
    • 5
      According to Tennessee Jane Watson in an interview for Wyoming Public Radio with The Wyoming Community Foundation, while enrollment of non-white students in the public school system is on the rise, and non-white people make up 15% of the Wyoming population (which is already the least populated state in the U.S.), it is still a majority White state. (“Does Race Matter in Wyoming?” published on November 6, 2020, Additionally, if you want to find the equivalent form of xenophobic pulse-taking like Massie’s study of 19th-century periodicals in the Sweetwater Mining Distritct, check out the Reddit threads regarding Wyoming. In this one, “In Riverton, Arrest Data Shows Large Racial Disparities Persist,” accesed on May 30, 2023, Wyomingites show their true colors:  
    • 6
      “Woman Suffrage.”
    • 7
       Massie, “The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming.”
    • 8
      While Wyoming indeed ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1973, guaranteeing equal rights for all U.S. citizens regardless of sex, the ERA never received enough votes in Congress to make it a nationally recognized and guaranteed amendment. I only point this out because the thirteenth amendment, which passed in 1865, abolished slavery and gave all men equal rights regardless of race. This defense of the rights of men regardless of race or country of origin and the subsequent snubbing of women as fully recognized citizens exemplifies the perpetually fraught social justice enterprise of  simultaneously opposing racism and sexism. Moreover, the lack of constitutional language that guarantees the rights of all citizens regardless of sex (and this very much includes the reversal of Roe vs. Wade) has rendered queer and non-binary folks particularly vulnerable. Currently, we are witnessing a tumult of anti-Drag Queen and anti-trans legislation (that most disturbingly takes the form of denying children access to gender-affirming health care), which something like the ERA would have helped us better oppose.   
    • 9
      I don’t think it’s a controversial point to argue that Dick Cheney is a power-hungry monster who used his advanced political position to expand executive power and amass his own personal wealth as much as possible. As Conor Friedersdorf reminds us in his article for The Atlantic, “Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney, ”he had an approval rating of 13% by the time he left his office as the Vice President. And for many good reasons: During the Iraq war, he and Donald Rumsfeld created their own “alternative intelligence agency” in order to hype up the need for war by spreading false information and thereby cementing his own power and authority while getting rich through his private business association with Halliburton. Friedersdorf expands on how Cheney achieved slimeball status: “After Cheney enriched himself by exploiting contacts with various corrupt Arab autocrats that he made while drawing a public salary, he returned to public life as vice president. Halliburton donated to his campaign, and got numerous lucrative contracts during the Bush administration’s tenure, even as it was discovered to have overcharged the U.S. for prior services rendered.” Most notably, in terms of faulty information, Cheney and Rumsfeld claimed there was evidence of “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq when they knew they were non-existent. They also falsely linked Saddam Hussein with the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Cheney also has admitted to being instrumental in instituting waterboarding, a form of torture, as a legit interrogation tactic during the Bush Administration. And, he ensured that innocent prisoners stayed indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay by giving the U.S. power to detain these people without allowing them a fair trial. Friedersdorf also reminds us that Cheney initiated “an NSA operation to monitor the phone calls and emails of U.S. citizens without a warrant, part of which later became known as the Terrorist Surveillance Program.” For a full account, see Friedersdorf’s article, published on August 30, 2011:
    • 10
      Mead Gruver, “Hageman Faces Grey Bull for US House After Beating Cheney,” AP News, published on November 8, 2022,
    • 11
      Eric Lutz, “Wyoming Becomes First State to Ban Abortion Pills,” Vanity Fair, published March 18, 2023,; We should note that Wyoming has stayed conservative throughout its political history even as the reputation for conservatism switched from Democrats to Republicans after the 19th century.
    • 12
      Annika Kim Constantino, “Wyoming Abortion Ban Blocked Due to Obamacare-Era Amendment,”, published March 24, 2023,,prison%20and%20a%20%2420%2C000%20fine.
    • 13
      Mead Gruver, “Wyoming Abortion Clinic Opens Despite Arson, Legal Obstacles,” AP News, publised April 20, 2023,